Thursday, May 24, 2012

PRAYER #115 - My Husband

Ann - Uganda

Please lets pray for my family, my husband was terminated from his job this month we have four children of school going age and the term has began today fees and all the necessaties lets pray that he gets a job since even as I talk we are in full of debts. There is some money we are expecting but it is also not being released yet. We really need God's blessings and intervention.  I am from Uganda.
I request we pray and please get back to me.

Here is our prayer for Ann:

Dear God,
Please be with Ann and her family through the rough times. We know you put us through hard times to make us stronger. Make sure they can feel your holy spirit inside them. May this family not worry and may they lift up their worries to you. Lord, the problems of this earth is nothing compared to what we have waiting for us for eternity. You are a glorious God. Please take care of this family and let them find work and support from loved ones.

We pray this in Jesus Christ's name: AMEN!

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