Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Kathy (Orange County, CA, USA)

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm coming to you again to ask for prayer.

Many of you know, but a few don't, that Bob was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with pancolitis, barretts esphogas and a hialtal hernia. It appears that that pancolitis is what has been messing with his body for months now. Pancolitis is ulcerative colitis, but instead of being in a small area of the colon - has spread throughout his entire colon. The pictures are awful and the doctor said it's one of the worse cases he has seen.

Okay - so we serve a wonderful, healing God. We do believe that Bob is healed, but are walking through the process now. He's taking horse sized pills 3 times per day and following a very strict diet. But this is the deal - he's having a really hard time with food - it seems that everything makes him sick. We've worked him down to a very limited diet, trying to eliminate the things that affect him - but not working!!!!! Everything - even the most innocent seems to mess him up - every time he eats. I love the fact that he doesn't complain, but can see how tired his body is becoming. And purely from the wife's point of view - he's shrinking.

Please pray for him. Pray for his healing, pray for inspiration on what to do about food. Pray that when we see his doctor on Tuesday that he has some good suggestions - effective suggestions. Suggestions that don't keep us running back to the doctor since our medical insurance ends on Tuesday! but most of all we are praying together and ask that you join us in this - May God be glorified in the process.

We appreciate you and love you. We thank God for the body of Christ! We are grateful to be a part of you.

God bless you!

Friday, March 27, 2009


David's mom wrote us originally on March 6th. She has written us again asking us to continue praying for her son. As most parents know, the teenage years are the most difficult to keep your children from drifting away from you and toward their friends. It's also the time of their lives that they drift from God.

We need to pray for our teens, especially David. I know how painful it is to see something become more important to your child than God. We all pray that our drifting children are our prodigal children.

I will be taking this prayer request to my bible study and to my local church for extra prayers. I ask that you pleasem, PLEASE do the same.

Here is her second letter to our blog:

asking for prayer for my son, David please. He is 14 years old and has become addicted to pot. We are trying to get him into a christian program to overcome this. He has become very disrespectful and wants to do what ever he wants. We ask for prayers that the Lord will completely take away all desire to want to smoke again. And that the Lord will soften his heart and put conviction in his heart.

Thank you,
David's mom

Friday, March 6, 2009


(Hacienda, Heights, CA, USA)

I would like prayer for my 14 year old son, David, who ran away for a day. He came back but doesn't want to be home.

I pray that he would find the Joy of the Lord in his heart like he once knew it when he was a little boy. And that the Holy Spirit will do a work in his life and my son will once again find Jesus's love!!!

Also, so he doesn't have any more desire to run away again.
Thank you,
his mom

Monday, March 2, 2009


Shereen (SriLanka, Colombo) -

I need prayers for my husband Kumar who is facing a financial crisis at the moment in his business He is depressed and ill with this problem He believes in Jesus and a good man who has done lot of charity for the needy Thank you for your prayers and may god bless you.