Wednesday, May 2, 2012

PRAYER #110 - Forgive my sins, Lord

I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I committed a sins, sleeping with a girl and don't even know if she has diseases or not but I feel strange after I slept with her when I came back home.
I also slept with another but not sure if I separated the virus to her but I need a pray for me, Mike and Nkauj to help recover and kill the virus that transmitted from the first girl.

I admitted my sins to the Lord Jesus Christ and have learn my lesson.

Thank you Jesus Christ for your healing and believe that your Holy Blood will wash and cleans through my body and kill all kind of diseases and viruses.
Lets his name be praise and glorify in the Kingdom of Heaven.

1 comment:

hope love faith said...

i stand agreement with you in Jesus name you are healed