Friday, July 30, 2010


Rajinder -

Please pray for financial blessings. I am behind in my rent and bills. More importantly I have to pay child support payments in 2 days time.

Recently I had a heart surgery and I am out of work and income.

I need a MIRACLE to resolve my immediate problems.

God Bless You.


Connie -

Pray for my husband and me.  We just celebrated our 7th anniversary Monday.  It has been a tumultious relationship.  We are currently dealing with our last seperation in which my husband had and affair.  We are now back together but not perfect because even though we are 1,000 miles away from this woman she still won't leave us alone.  He feels this need to hold on to her so when things are bad with us he can lean on her.  He does work for her via the computer remotely and this upsets and causes me angish.

I pray that she is no longer an hinderance in our marriage completely once and for all.  That all desire for a relationship on both part be cut off.  That the devil will no longer be able to use this women to seperate my husband and I.  That he will no longer feel the need to do this womans work reports.  Especially knowing that it hurts me.

Please pray that God would allow us to open our eyes and cling together giving eachother the love and respect needed in a marriage.  God answers prayers I know.  So please keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Susan (Bolingbrook, Illinois, USA)

My husbands name is Salim.

My prayer request is for my husband who is sick and refuses to go to a doctor with a belief that he has been sent voodoo from some of his family enemies from Kenya. Sometimes he is in so much pain that he will cry all night claiming that he feels like ants or insects are crawling al over inside his body and biting him.
Sometimes he says things are poking his chest like someone knifing you. I lay there and pray every minute I am awake for this to come to an end.
I need some prayers for this is about to drive my thinking crazy.

My second request is for my two kids Micky and Lavendah who have been laid off for about a year now.
Pray for them too that they may find something to support themselves.


Rita -

My grandma(Mrs.Ghana Soundari) was suffering from severe bedsore.Her BP was low and pulse was going down.She was not able to drink or take food.Doctor said we cant able to cure bedsore.Please pray to god to heal my grandma bedsour and releive her from severe pain.
Please pray to god to forgive her sins and releive her from severe pain.Please pray to god for her to heal from this sickness

Monday, July 26, 2010


Rachel - (Glennville, GA, USA)

I am asking for prayer for my marriage.  I am doing all I can to save my marriage and seems as though the devil want me to give up.  The communication between me and my husband is not where it should be.  Pray that we will have better communication to bring us closer. I am praying that he will start acting like a husband and treat me as though I am his wife.  He always puts his mother or his job before me and its not right in the eyesight of God.  God is first in my life and I know that he has the power to change him and make him the husband he should.  I need to see a turn around in my marriage. Keep me in your prayers.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Michael (Salem, OR, USA) -

This past week ive been having breathing problems don't know if its a past infection that didn't heal or severe allergies or something else but i need prayer that my lungs will work fully again and feel panicked when i can't catch my breath from my lungs feeling tight and sometimes hurting. Thank You...

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Margaret - (Location unknown)

please pray for me and my family. I feel like im going to have a nervous breakdown. we have no money to pay our bills. we need GODs help ASAP!! I pray but I feel like he don’t care about me. I wish I was in heaven already.  im 260lbs so I am to insecure to work , who wants to hire a fat person. please pray GOD decides to help me.