Monday, January 31, 2011


Tim – Buena Park, CA

My friend Tom has been diagnosed with melanoma on his back and has spread to his liver.  Tom is a God loving man and needs your prayers for his recovery. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011


City: Karachi, Pakistan
Name: Braz.

I will be finishing school next year and my parents are already facing huge financial problems.
I really want to go to a college in Australia and I need $100,000 AUD for that! I just hope God sends someone to help me or atleast clears a path for me.

Monday, January 17, 2011


My name is Mbalenhle, and I am from South Africa ( Durban), kindly pray for my boyfriend and I as we are going through a rough patch,which could only get us closer or drive  us apart, I love him, but I am clingy, jealous and insecure, I know he loves me too, but  I have  said so many wrong, hurtful and bad things to him, that I am afraid they may cause him to leave me, I love him very much, I need him and I am afraid I will go insane without him, kindly pray that we overcome this, our relationship gets stronger, with more love and care for each other.

We need gentleness, affection, care, patience, forgiveness & love in  our relationship, may we never drift apart but only closer, I ask all of this in the name of my savior Jesus.
