Sunday, January 25, 2009


Diana - (USA)

Please pray for my son, Todd. He is 24 and has bipolar I with schizophrenic symptoms. He cycles rapidly from depression to extreme mania / agitation sometimes with violent behavior. He doesn’t trust anyone to help him and has turned to self medicating with pot to ”stop the voices” even though he now has insurance through his wife and a new doctor who is willing to help him.

He had to be hospitalized three weeks ago after attacking his dad. He was in 72 hours then had to agree to go 6 hours a day 5 days a week for 2 weeks then could be released. He doesn’t want to give up the pot and using his prescribed meds the way he wants. His doctor has given him an ultimatum or stop treating him. Todd had turned on his wife. He has only one friend – the one he can smoke pot with.

He has fractured his relationship with his brother; won’t go to church. He can’t work; he doesn’t want to live; we’ve lost our son and are grieving.

We need a miracle for his life. Satan CANNOT HAVE THIS MAN. HE IS GOD’S.

Please stand with us and pray for Todd. If you have a prayer chain ask those on it to pray. I have felt a struggle for him for a long time – since he had a head injury when he was 10 years old. He told me in church a short time after that “Mom, did you say that? I heard Him calling me” . He said later he felt God wanted great things for him and that there was a struggle for his very life. I though about that time and told my husband that truly either God was calling him or he’s schizophrenic. Little did I know what would happen. I cannot let Todd’s life be snuffed out.

“ …Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” Matthew 25:40

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