Monday, January 12, 2009


POSTED 12/17/08:

I would like prayer for my future daughter-in-laws new niece. She has an unknown virus. They have a team of research Drs. trying to find the problem. Mean while the baby is in ICU very ill. She is only two weeks old and weighs six pounds.


Cypress, CA

UPDATE: 1/12/09

Hello again,

I just got an update on my prayer request praise report.

The virus is gone, but she is still on the ventilator and not really trying to breath on her own.
Also the family really needs prayer as they are not believers and they have no peace. We as believers can do the one thing we know how to do and that is pray. So thank you all my sisters and brothers out there for joining me in praying for this little one.

JC Cypress CA

UPDATE 1/13/09

The prayers are working. She is now off of the ventilator and is now breathing on her own. Please keep praying so that she makes a full recovery from this illness. Thank you again for your prayers.

JC Cypress, CA

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