1. city/state Trivandrum, Kerala, India
2. first name only Sumod
3. prayer request My name is SUMOD, aged 29+ from Trivandrum. I am a “differently able” person by birth, suffering from “cerebral palsy” and “impaired vision”. I am a graduate in BA (History), appeared for exam with the help of a scribe. In Nov.2011 I get married to a Pentecost girl (TINTU).
On June 06 2012 I developed a foggy vision and confirmed by hospital as “keratoconus”. During treatment a skin eruption developed emerging on whole body with blisters and itching. I went for homeopathic treatment and still continuing.
I am a firm believer of Jesus Christ. During my treatment for eye a miraculous escape from a treatment session happened (as per God’s wish).
I request you to pray for my healing (eye & skin).