Friday, August 29, 2008


Myra (Columbus, OH, USA) -

please pray for salvation, healing and deliverance for my son, Marquis, who has been hospitalized numerous times for mental/behavioral health issues. He is an autistic teen with aggression/behavioral problems.

Please pray for me also for I am bitter because the psych docs and others think its my fault my son is having problems, he has been tried on different meds which only MADE HIM WORSE and i have taken him off of them, one pdoc refused to take care of him because i wouldnt let him put him on meds the very first visit.

My son just got out of the hospital and they are blaming me for his hospitalizations, etc. I am trying to help my son but i wont continued to give him medication(s) that are ineffective and make him worse. He is now on 2 new meds and i hope that they will work for him. Please pray that my anger will cease, even though no mom wants to feel others think she is not caring for her child properly and that the lord will use this situation for his glory. I am truly alone in this world with this. My son doesn't understand and i have my family and friends. Only Jesus has been there for me. Pray that he comforts my heart and gives me peace.

(In addition to prayer, If anyone can help Myra with any suggestions, please post your comments to her on this blog. If you want to talk with her privately, you can email me your info and I can forward to Myra. Any help is appreciated)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes it is very hard being the mom of a special needs child. Not only do you have all of the experts who feel they have the one true answer to everything, but you have the enemy whose constant whisper that you aren't good enough to do this job, in your ear at all times. But if there is one thing I have learned it is there is a difference between the facts and the truth. The facts are everything you have been so nice enough to share with us, and the truth is.......All things are possible with Him who strengthens us. God has been so good to walk with me on various paths that have led me on this journey through autism. Hopefully some of this information will be of some service to you.
is a place where you can get info as well as daily prayers for your child with autism
Helps with the neurodevelopment area as well as equips us as parents on how to help in this area.
helps with the nutrition side of everything.

And I don't know what part of Ohio your from but you should definitly hook up with you local regional center (although I know it's difficult when they lead you in toward the medical industry for help)

I hope that helps in some way shape or form. But definitly let's let the Lord step in to do His Mighty work.

Dear Jesus,
Thank you so much for this dedicated mom who just wants to love her son the way you want her to love him. Help her to use all these situations for you Glory and to speak your Name through all this chaos. I thank you for Marquis because as that saying goes Lord you are to Wise to be mistaken and too good to be unkind. Your mighty hand is in this situation and we ask for the healing of body, hearts and spirit. Give this mom the energy to take up your banner and continue the fight that is ahead and be there for her to give her the strength only you can give...the peace that passes all understanding. We love you and praise your mighty Name.