Thanks to all you who prayed for Karen's trip to Thailand. She left on Sunday and we will be posting updates on her mission. Stay posted to "Need Prayer Now" for those updates.
Karen is apart of two mission teams from Saddleback Church in California. The two teams are divided into two travel groups leaving 24 hours apart on a direct flight from LAX to Bangkok on Thai Air
Monday, June 23 - Team One
Tuesday, June 24 - Team Two
Time Difference: Thailand is 14 hours AHEAD of California time (PST)
Here are some things to pray about for their trip. This is their request for the next few days.
Monday, June 23
Team One arrives in Bangkok at 6:10 am. We will meet our translator and driver and be transported by van to YWAM Christian Center in Bangkok.
Morning – Devotional time and rest and prayer walk
Afternoon – Tour the YWAM facility
Afternoon – Help serve the YWAM center in an as needed capacity
Evening – restful sleep while team two in on route
• That all our bags will arrive safely in Thailand
• Our van from YWAM and translator is there to pick us up
Tuesday, June 24
Team Two arrives in Bangkok at 6:40am.
Morning – Both teams connect meet with our translator and driver, we travel to (location witheld)
Late Morning – We check in at Hotel in (location witheld)
Afternoon –Meet with Sandra for the basics of Thai culture, “Do’s and Don’t”
Afternoon - Our team splits up to begin working at three centers including a preschool that serves the children who live in the slums (two artists begin
a Christian child friendly mural), and at the HIV hospice basic repairs commence.
Evening – Prayer as our team connect with the Chinese mission team. The Chinese team
will distribute in Cantonese the Jesus film and bibles to churches located in (location witheld).
Evening - Our team reconnect at dinner for debriefing and planning the next day activities.
• Our health is holding up and that we have a quick recovery from jet lag
• We adjust well to the time zone and climate and sleep well
• Pray for good weather
• God is drawing us closer to Him as we prepare our hearts for his work
• Let our time with the local ministries be an encouragement to their staff
• Keep us safe in the HIV Hospice and slums and protect us from parasites and viruses
• Be filled with the Holy Spirit as we pray over those that are afflicted in the HIV hospice.
• For wisdom and effective translation to teach baking bread and pies to the Thai women at the (location witheld)
• We get a good overview of the Thai culture and spiritual needs
Wednesday, June 25
Morning - Breakfast and team devotional
Morning – Our team splits up to continue the work from the previous day.
Evening – Dinner provided for people involved with serving in local ministries and churches
• For the church leaders in (location witheld) that are planning the November Praise Week
• Pray to support their all night prayer vigil
• Let us be willing hands and hearts to serve in any capacity at the ministries we encounter. Let the testimonies the Lord wants us to share with this audience be clear and effective.
• We can teach personal hygiene to the people living in the HIV hospice combined with proper care in the handling of food
• Pray for good weather
• We have protection in “prayer clean” while serving in the slums and HIV hospice
• For the artists painting in the slums, pray the image is blessed with the Holy Spirit
• Our hearts continue to be open to serve selflessly without imposing our personal agenda
• For the needed repairs in the HIV hospice be completed
• Continue to serve with compassion and love to the women in the (location witheld)
• Keep us alert to the needs around us and let the Holy Spirit guide our individual ministry opportunities. Put those in our path that need prayer and petition. Help us to connect lost souls for ongoing follow-up and discipleship after we leave.
• Use this time to heal us of any darkness as related to sins from the past. Lord, cleanse us from our past and release any demons we still carry.
I will post updates as I get them.
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